Thursday, January 25, 2018

Visiting Milk Baba in Nepal-Katmandu

Our promised to visit Milk Baba was satisfied!  In December we finally made it across and pass India to Katmandu to keep a long ago promise to Sri Guru. 

With much desire  and hoped to have Sri Guru came with us to India to enjoy warm weather; as we were afraid he was not getting out much.   We took a chance and purchased a flight for Krishna Das- Milk Baba from Katmandu to India. Exited to have him travel with us and to be sure we took pictures.  Seeing the magnificent Himalayan Mountains was intoxicating  Unfortunately, Milk Baba's health was very concerning and it became apparent he would not be able to go anywhere, the only thing we could do was make him company for the time we had there.  In the distance one could see Mount Everest, and Mount Kailash among others.  During our stay we saw him peacefully taking in life.  Milk Baba as always was kind.  This time he did not speak much due to the nature of so much discomfort.  We worried about him, but soon he showed us that he was determine and we both admired him for that.  He got well enough to take us on a short trip to his Temple.  It was beautiful to see a dream manifested.  After wonderful time together we part sad to part without him and at the same time we were both supper happy knowing he felt better. 

Shi Guru sent his love and blessing to everyone.

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