Sunday, November 9, 2008

Baba on the Web and in the World

While the Milk Baba is purifying at the Kathia Baba's Ashram in Indore, I'm finding him residing all over the web and in movies.
This list will get updated as I find more.
Baba's on Youtube. Just search for Milk Baba for an excellent Bhajan and shots of the interior of his Pashupatinath Kuti.
Baba is closely featured in the hit-film "Baraka", in the second scene, basically opening up the entire film. He is shown reading scriptures in a square of Pashupatinath (royalties...?- we've received none!).
Baba is also in one or more of the scenes of another Documentary Film, Healing Planet. They are also producing a book based on the film (no royalties from any of that either...). There is a nice picture of Babaji on their website. I have not seen this film yet.
And yet another Documentary, "A Small Light" puts Babaji as the central narrator of the entire film (but no $/support/announcements/anything...)! The website says "Narrated by the reknowned Hindu sadhu, Shri Ram Krishna Das (A.K.A. Milk Baba), 'a small light' is a look at old age, death and dying in a religiously diverse locale." Baba's a star and we have not even heard of this film or the film's director, Julia Yezbick.
Where else will Baba's images and lessons be promulgated? I hope that in the future the disciples are informed of these types of usages, and Milk Baba's Temple, Supreme Ram Sita, Be appropriately renumerated. When these justices occur, the films and the directors can commence happily the sharing of the sacred lessons of the Milk Baba, and continue to reap the enormous rewards of that promulgation.

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